Organized in alphabetical order in 3 Hollinger boxes: Box #1 (A-F). American Legion Post #152 (1921-1995), Committee of Concern (1967-68), Down Town Club (Sales Record, 1913-1924), The Women's Association of Forest Hill Presbyterian Church (Programs, 1952-1970), and file labeled as "Associations A-F" including By-Laws of Broad Street and Merchants Association of Newark, New Jersey (1945), By-Laws of The Celluloid Club (1899), Organizational Chart of Club of Printing House Craftsmen of Newark and Vicinity (1960-1961), Constitution and By-Laws, Rules, Officers and Members of the Down Town Club of Newark, N.J. (1919), Year Book of The Business and Professional Women's Club of Newark, N.J. (1959-1960), The American Youth Legion (1936), Fourth Liberty Loan (Official Bulletin, 1918), YMWCA of Newark and Vicinity (Recognition of Achievement in Commerce, Business, and Education of Blacks in New Jersey, 1980), various invitation cards, etc. ; Box #2 (G-N). By-Laws of Galilei Lodge, No. 269 (1935), Halsey Street Association (Meetings, By-Laws, etc., 1972), Newark Education Council (1988-89), and file labeled as "Associations G-L" including Trans-continental Telephone Demonstration at the Nineteenth Annual Celebration of the Lincoln Club (1916), A Prospectus of the Newark Social Settlement Association (1905), Music Study Club of Newark and the Oranges (Constitution and By-Laws, 1954), Constitution and By-Laws of the Board Master Carpenters Newark and Vicinity (1895), The Newark Community Center of the Arts (Calendar, 1977-78), Constitution and By-Laws of the New England Society of Newark, New Jersey (1808), An Oration on Washington delivered before St.Johns's Lodge, No.1, F. & A.M., Newark, N.J. (By Rev. Bro. Harry Y. Murkland, 1917), St.Johns's Lodge, No.1, F. & A.M., Newark, N.J. (154th Annual Celebration of George Washington's Birthday program, February 21, 1945), North Ward Educational and Cultural Center Commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Program, 1981), Constitution and By-Laws of The Newark League for the Hard of Hearing (Chapter Six of the American Society for the Hard of Hearing, organized 1917), 37th Anniversary of the Newark Medical Association Supper (January 23, 1872), The Lawyers' Club, Constitution of the Newark Nature Club, Constitution of the Newark Museum Nature Club (1935), Twenty-First National Saengerfest of the Nord-Oestlicher Saengerbund of America under the auspices of the United Singers of Newark (Official souvenirs and programme, 1906), 75th Anniversary Northern Lodge No.25 F. & A.M.(1928), Certificate of Change of Name of Negro Welfare League of New Jersey to New Jersey Urban League, Newark Branch (photocopies, 1919), Certificate of Incorporation of Negro Welfare League of Newark, New Jersey (photocopies, 1917), "Negro Welfare League of New Jersey" (photocopies, 1898), Neighborhood College Project (The Grapevine, 1977), Newark Branch NAACP (election materials relating to Keith M. Jones and Elton T. Byrd, 1988), File (G-Z) including Jewish Young Adult Council of Essex County (JYAC, By-Laws, 1951-51), Second Anniversary of the Holly Frog Socials (1874), Integrity, Inc. (Founded 1968), Ironbound Improvement League, Inc. (Yearbook, 1950), The Newark Day Center (175th Anniversary Dinner, 1978), Irvington Hose Co. (Masquerade ball, 1905), Golden Star Fraternity (Constitution, 1883), Lion's Club (Luncheon meeting, 1967), Ironbound Committee Against Toxic Waste (Newsletter, 1984), Ironbound Red Shield Club (Opening exercises, 1941) and numerous invitation cards, etc.; Box #3 (N-Z). Newark Branch NAACP (newsletter, 1968-1969, Board of Meeting, 1964), Newark Bible Society (An address by Theodore Frelinghuysen, Esq., 1818, Constitution of the Newark Bible Society and the First Annual Report, 1815), Newark Camera Club, Inc., (1891-92), Newark Human Rights Association (Poster "We Like People," "Proclamation," Newark Human Rights Commission Week, 1977), Ray Palmer Club (Calendars, 1897-1949), Renaissance Newark Inc. (RNI, brochures, 1991), Service Club of Newark (Constitution and By-Laws of the Service Club, 1944, etc.), Work Progress Administration (WPA) including scripts "George Washington Carver" (Federal Theatre Radio Division), "The Louisiana Lottery" (Program: Secret Service Secrets), "Molly Fitcher" (The New Jersey Cavacade series), "John Fitch" (The New Jersey Cavalcade series) and an untitled script, all written by Hughes Allison, "Men of Art" (Federal Theatre Radio Division) written by Ed Cleland, and press releases (1936), The Sketch Club (Catalogs of the 4th, 5th & 6th Annual Exhibition, 1897 & 1898, Constitution and By-Laws, 1906, The Artist's Club member list, The Artists' Club of Newark, New Jersey, 1908), and File (P-Z) including University Club (Member list, 1900), Phillis Wheatley Literary Club (History and membership, 1987-88, Program, 1939, Letter commemorating 60th anniversary, 1971), The Salvation Army Essex and West Hudson (Annual civic luncheon, 1982), Roseville Athletic Association Cycling Department (Notice, 1894), Rotary Club (50th Anniversary program, 1960), United States Credit System Co. (Annual dinner, 1892), Saint Michael's Medical Center (SMMC, minutes of meetings, 1977), Pyramid House - Integrity, Inc. (Pamphlet, Founded 1977), West Side Citizen's Rehab Corporation #1 (By-Laws), The Salvation Army of Greater Newark (Annual civic luncheon, 1986), Newark Teachers' Association (Workshop program, 1955), Roseville Athletic Association (Program, 1901), Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Helpers (Masquerade ball program, 1902), The Polish Arts Club of Newark (Exhibition invitation, Joseph Conrad Centennial Program, 1957), Progress Club (30th anniversary program, 1902), Republican Indian League, New Jersey (Constitution and By-Laws, 1891), Robert Bruce House (Monthly reports, 1965, minutes, 1967, Robert Bruce House Journal, v.3, no.4).